Serbian Diplomacy

Serbian Diplomacy

Coordination between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Culture and Information...

Minister of Foreign Affairs Nikola Selakovic and Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Culture and Information Maja Gojkovic signed today the Principles of Cooperation...

Diplomatija promišljanja i diplomatija (pre)brzog reagovanja

Danas, na početku treće decenije 21. veka živimo u vremenu brzih i digitalizovanih komunikacija koje su u velikoj meri uticale na promenu načina na...

Novo značajno delo Duška Lopandića o razvoju diplomatije i međunarodnih odnosa

  Iz štampe je izašlo vredno i značajno delo ambasadora dr Duška Lopandića „Reči su senke dela – razvoj diplomatije i međunarodnih veza od XV...

Digital diplomacy is your friend … as long as you remember that friendship is...

First of all, I hope that you are all well, that these strange, sometimes even scary times marked by COVID-19 have not been too...

Serbian Diplomacy Day

we mark the Serbian Diplomacy Day & wish all our colleagues around the globe success! Keep making us proud! #OTD we mark the Serbian...

A village in Guatemala named after Serbia in gratitude for assistance during the epidemic

A village in Guatemala has been named after Serbia as a token of gratitude for the assistance extended to its locals by Honorary Consul...

Vučićeva molba Siju privukla pažnju Kineza

Ta vest u ponedeljak bila druga po čitanosti na aplikaciji Veibo, sa 330 miliona čitalaca Na poruku predsednika Aleksandra Vučića, koju je objavio na Instagramu...

Za 24h Weibo profil Ambasade Srbije u Kini skupio 300.000 pratilaca

COVID-19 definitivno otvara nova poglavlja digitalne diplomatije. Samo 24 časa od otvaranja profila 'SerbianEmbassy' na popularnoj kineskoj društvenoj mreži Weibo, stranicu naše ambasade zapratilo...

Diplomatic-Consular Suits in the 19th and 20th Century

In Serbia in the XIX century the attendants employed in the diplomatic service at home, that is, in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the diplomatic agents during their mission abroad, were obliged to wear official suits.

The Day of Serbian Diplomacy was celebrated

29 May has been chosen as the Day of Serbian Diplomacy since it was on that day, 180 years ago exactly, that the Prince's Office conducting external affairs was established, the event considered as the beginning of professional diplomacy in Serbia.