Monday’s Digital Diplomacy Must Read List

Each week, I publish a list of interesting articles, essays and reports that may be of interest to the digital diplomacy community. This week- Germany...

What An AI Fashion Show Tells us About Tech Moguls

On July 21st, Elon Musk shared a tweet featuring an AI-generated fashion show of world leaders. The AI fashion show soon went viral, given...

Public Diplomacy

Američke stipendije u Jugoslaviji tokom 50-ih i 60-ih godina XX veka

U periodu nakon Drugog svetskog rata, Jugoslavija se suočila s mnogim izazovima, kako političkim tako i ekonomskim. Jedan od načina na koji je nastojala...

Promene u Ruskoj Javnoj Diplomatiji: Uticaj Krize u Ukrajini *made by AI*

U poslednjim godinama, pejzaž ruske javne diplomatije doživeo je značajne promene, delom usled kontinuirane krize u Ukrajini. Ovaj konflikt ne samo da je promenio...

Digital Diplomacy

Osnovana Kancelarija za javnu i kulturnu diplomatiju Srbije

Direktor Kancelarije za javnu i kulturnu diplomatiju Arno Gujon rekao je za RTS da će zajedno sa timom sa kojim radi dati sve od...

Nova logika digitalne javne diplomatije

Da bismo odgovorili na ovo pitanje, prvo moramo karakterisati današnji svet. To je svet sklon krizama, svet obeležen ratovima, kompleksan svet u kojem kriza...

Kosovo: What Everyone Really Needs To Know

Clothing and Entertainment in Kosovo and Metohija between the Two World...

With the help of relevant literature and press, this paper analyzes  and  describes  the  mentality  and  behavior  of people in Kosovo and Metohija in...


The church of Theotokos of Ljevish, Prizren's Cathedral, was erected by King Milutin in the early 14th century (1307-1309). It was built on the...

“Christian Heritage of Kosovo and Metohija”

Thanks to the love of the Serbian Bishop Maxim from California we have a special opportunity to read the valuable book, "Christian Heritage of...

Tekstovi na srpskom

Kako je Fejsbuk u Srbiji počeo borbu protiv lažnih vesti

Dok jedni smatraju da su društvene mreže jedina slobodna platforma koja podržava slobodu izražavanja, drugi kažu da one predstavljaju oružje za prljavu borbu lažima...

Korona virus i ruska vakcina: Mimovi sa Putinom preplavili društvene mreže

Najava da Rusija napreduje sa lokalno razvijenom vakcinom za Kovid-19 nije samo dovela do zabrinutosti međunarodne javnosti zbog njene bezbednosti, već je stvorila i...

Made by OpenAI

‘I can be a bastard too’ – ChatGPT’s Real Contribution to...

By Giles Strachan and Ilan Manor In 1952, General Sir Gerard Templer arrived in Malaya. On a visit to a village suspected of supporting communists,...

Američke stipendije u Jugoslaviji tokom 50-ih i 60-ih godina XX veka

U periodu nakon Drugog svetskog rata, Jugoslavija se suočila s mnogim izazovima, kako političkim tako i ekonomskim. Jedan od načina na koji je nastojala...

Modern Propaganda

France Points Finger At Russian Propaganda Network

A French government agency charged with defence against foreign online threats on Monday said it had discovered a network of Russian websites designed to...

How Russia and the US conducted propaganda against each other in...

At the end of February, the New York Times published an article entitled ‘The Spy War: How the CIA Secretly Helps Ukraine Fight Putin’. The...

Diplo Blog

Who is who in Digital and Public Diplomacy

World Leaders on Facebook 2019

“Facebook is the most difficult channel for us” a social media manager at a foreign ministry recently admitted, echoing a sentiment shared by many...

Eric Nelson

Eric Nelson Director Bureau of Information Resource Management Office of eDiplomacy Term of Appointment: 09/16/2013 to present Eric Nelson, a member of the Senior Foreign Service with the...

Nicholas J.Cull: “I do not understand diplomacy as a monopoly of...

Interview with the British expert in public diplomacy, who has been invited to Barcelona by the Public Diplomacy Council of CataloniaAndreu Barnils,, 07.05.2019 Nicholas J.Cull (1964) is an expert in public diplomacy [JB emphasis], historian and director of the Master’s Degree in Diplomacy at the University of Southern California. Mr. Cull has specialised in diplomacy in the digital age, the importance of cinema and television series in this discipline and has just published the book Public Diplomacy – Foundations for Global Engagement in Digital Age (Polity, 2019). Cull was in Barcelona last Friday, ​​where he gave the inaugural lecture of the first public event of the Public Diplomacy Council of Catalonia (Diplocat) after the attempt by the Sànish government to close the entity. VilaWeb has interviewed Mr. Cull via email. – Have you been following the Catalan case recently? What do you think about it? – For many years I have pointed to Diplocat in my classes as an..