EFSD Student Fellows, Emerging Foreign and Security Dimensions



The Liechtenstein Institute on Self-Determination has hosted a seminar on Emerging Foreign and Security Dimensions. The seminar discusses emerging security challenges from strategic developments, inter-state and intra-state perspectives, self-determination, climate and environmental issues, to migration and leadership challenges in the region spanning from Vancouver to Vladivostok.
A key feature of the seminar is the participating student fellows, chosen through a competitive application. Student participants were chosen from a variety of departments and programs, bringing their specific academic backgrounds, interdisciplinary methodologies, and professional experiences to bear on key issues related to religion and international politics. EFSD fellows will use their research as a basis for academic publication, future thesis and dissertation work, and have utilized their research through the course of internships at places such as the UN, State Department, and a variety of international governments, media outlets, and NGOs. Participating students are required to complete brief assignments/commentary (ca 2,000 words) after each seminar and compose a ca 6,000-word final paper by end of Fall Semester. Selected papers will be presented at an international meeting abroad at Spring 2019.
The EFSD 2018/19 Student Fellows are: …
Sakari Ishetiar is a Master's candidate in Public Policy at Princeton University. Prior to beginning an MPA at Princeton, Sakari worked as a Washington, DC-based US government contractor. With a background in communications, Sakari focuses on the role of public diplomacy [JB emphasis] within international affairs. His research has also highlighted policy gaps in US- Russian multilateral relations. Recently, Sakari interned at the U.S. Mission to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (US- OSCE), working to strengthen the European neighborhood via consensus and open dialogue. …

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