
The Digital Diplomacy CoalitionWe’ve recorded a video…

The Digital Diplomacy Coalition We’ve recorded a video taking a look back at our first year and looking forward to the future.

[Today in PD] UT, US State Department Partnership Among 2013’s Top Diplomacy Efforts

The partnership between UT and the US Department of State to engage women and girls from around the world through sports was named one...

Strategy and delivery, one year on

We’ve published a couple of big updates, both to the Digital Strategy and to the transformation programme. Between...

Transactions Explorer: latest release of data

The Explorer covers 17 government departments, and now includes 766 services – an increase of 49 on September’s release. The...

Accessing GOV.UK information for the gaming generation

We love it that you are making GOV.UK work for you. We want the information you need to...

Half a billion views on GOV.UK

What a great way to say goodbye to 2013 – we exceeded 500,000,000 views on GOV.UK recently –...

When will more people visit GOV.UK using a mobile or tablet than a PC?

Yesterday the BBC published data showing more people accessing iPlayer via tablet than via computer. This prompted me to update...

European Security and Defence: An Overview

Foreign and security policy was once considered as the little and forgotten brother of European integration. However, in recent years the Common Foreign and...

Doctrinal War

Global events vividly displaying the social significance of religion and secularism as powerful mottos of governance and rebellion have marked the last decade. In...