World leaders on Instagram – 2016


Schermata 2016-02-17 alle 21.14.13

The most effective world leader on Instagram in 2016?Barack Obama – with more than 56,000 interactions (i.e. comments and likes) for every post on his profile. He is closely followed by the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Russia’s Dmitry Medvedev.

Schermata 2016-02-17 alle 21.10.36The most liked Instagram post of all world leaders? The Thank You picture of Barack Obama after being reelected on November 7, 2012 ?

The latest seat of government to set up an official Instagram account? The UK Prime Minister, David Cameron.

Do world leaders manage their own accounts? NO (with the exception of 15 world leaders that manage their Instagram accounts themselves and usually take their own pictures and selfies.

Instagram may not have the reach of its better-known social media rivals, but it has an ever-increasing following – something world leaders and their advisors have not been slow to recognize. The heads of state and government and foreign ministers of 136 countries currently have an official presence on Instagram. Learn more about how world leaders, governments and international organizations communicate via social media in the 2016 report by Burson-Marsteller.

Schermata 2016-02-17 alle 21.27.22


Autore: Anna Chiara Sai

World leaders on Instagram – 2016