Public Diplomacy in the Age of Social Media


How does social media change how statecraft is practiced in the 21st century? Who’s participating and why? What have been some lessons learned from the pioneers who have logged on to listen and engage? During this event, three representatives from the U.S. Department of State shared case studies and professional experiences gleaned directly from the virtual trenches. Alexander Howard, Government 2.0 Washington Correspondent for O’Reilly Media, moderated.

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Featured Speakers:
Suzanne Hall (@SuzKPH)
Senior Advisor, Innovation in the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs
U.S. Department of State

Nick Namba (@nicholasnamba)
Acting Deputy Coordinator for Content Development and Partnerships
U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of International Information Program

Ed Dunn (@EdAndDunn)
Acting Director
U.S. Department of State’s Digital Communications Center

Alexander Howard (@digiphile)
Washington Correspondent
Government 2.0