" Just Oppinion "

" Just Oppinion "

Promene u Ruskoj Javnoj Diplomatiji: Uticaj Krize u Ukrajini *made by AI*

U poslednjim godinama, pejzaž ruske javne diplomatije doživeo je značajne promene, delom usled kontinuirane krize u Ukrajini. Ovaj konflikt ne samo da je promenio...

Biden State Department Funds Training of 2,500 LGBT ‘Allies’

The Biden administration is using the State Department to fund LGBT activism abroad — again. According to federal spending database USASpending.gov, the U.S. State...

100 years of radio in Africa: from propaganda to people’s power

Radio is thriving across Africa. Exact figures are difficult to come by because audience research differs across countries. But studies estimate radio listenership to...

France Points Finger At Russian Propaganda Network

A French government agency charged with defence against foreign online threats on Monday said it had discovered a network of Russian websites designed to...

Revisiting propaganda and just how really dangerous it is to America

In 1928, Edward Bernays wrote a book, titled Propaganda, the first in-depth study of advertising and its influence on buyers’ habits. He theorized that companies,...

The Global Hi-Five: Unleashing Digital Diplomacy’s High-Tech Charm

Unleash diplomacy's digital charm, spreading hi-fives worldwide!

Uloga digitalne diplomatije u strateškim igrama: Politika i upravljanje

U svetu strateških igara, digitalna diplomatija je postala ključni aspekt igranja. Igračima je poveren zadatak ne samo da grade carstva i osvajaju teritorije, već...

Digital Diplomacy 4.0: The Future is Now

After participating in the Summit on Digital Diplomacy and Governance organized by DiploFoundation (see my blog post here), I realized that today’s diplomats need to not only know...

‘I can be a bastard too’ – ChatGPT’s Real Contribution to Diplomacy

By Giles Strachan and Ilan Manor In 1952, General Sir Gerard Templer arrived in Malaya. On a visit to a village suspected of supporting communists,...

Historical Appropriation or How Diplomats Use History to Advance Diplomatic Goals

Cultural appropriation, a term now heard often in media and academic discourse, is defined as “the inappropriate or unacknowledged adoption of an element or...