" Just Oppinion "

False Flag Conspiracy Theories: Psyche, Society, and the Internet

So, did you hear? That whole story of Paul Pelosi being attacked was faked—another false flag operation!1 And the January 6 attack on the...

Raskrinkavamo najveće laži zapadne propagande u Ukrajini /video/

Fabrikovanje lažnih vesti i optužbe da Rusija čini navodni genocid i zločine u Ukrajini su već viđene metode koje je Zapad uigravao na Balkanu,...

Russia-Ukraine War: Three Men, Two Nations And One Organisation Responsible In Varying Measures

In the Russia-Ukraine war, there are three belligerents: Russia, Ukraine, and the US-led NATO. There are two wars: One between Russia and Ukraine, and...

Is Digital Diplomacy more than the application of social media to familiar diplomatic functions

In the age of digital technology, it's no surprise that diplomacy has gone digital. But what does this mean? Digital diplomacy is more than...

Digital Authorianism in Russia – Fashionable Diplomacy

Russian Presidential Particular Consultant for Center East and Africa, Mikhail Bogdanov, in an April interview to Interfax information company, provided an perception into facets...

Madeleine Albright: America’s Ribbentrop

In May of 1996, Lesley Stahl, of 60 Minutes, asked the future Secretary of State Madeleine Albright about the humanitarian disaster in Iraq, which...

Digital diplomacy is your friend … as long as you remember that friendship is...

First of all, I hope that you are all well, that these strange, sometimes even scary times marked by COVID-19 have not been too...

Author Q&A on the Birth of ‘Fake News’ a Century Ago

John Maxwell Hamilton, author of  “Manipulating the Masses: Woodrow Wilson and the Birth of American Propaganda” (LSU Press), discussed his new book with RealClearPolitics. So...

I ovo je javna diplomatija ?

Kako je dočekan poziv ministarke ustanovama kulture Ministarka kulture i informisanja Maja Gojković uputila je nedavno poziv ustanovama kulture čiji je osnivač Republika da učine...

Biden win ‘would be good for global tech’

Tech lobby group hopeful of greater international collaboration under a Biden administration A tech sector lobby group has said that Joe Biden being elected president of the...