The Art of Digital Diplomacy by ChatGPT


In a rapidly evolving era of Artificial Intelligence that challenges established ways of life and daily routines, conservatives can adopt measures to mitigate its impact. In the political sphere, they can integrate traditional human interactions with technology, harnessing the benefits of AI without yielding entirely to its influence.

Bill Gates recently emphasized the commencement of the AI age, highlighting the remarkable progress in artificial intelligence. AI, described as an intelligent agent using information to perform actions, has gradually replaced human involvement with computer-based agents.

As AI continues to expand and become more accessible, it elicits excitement and concern. Technological advancement has historically compromised human autonomy and disrupted tradition. This shift challenges conservative values rooted in traditional institutions and behaviors.

Conservative circles are understandably alarmed by these developments. Nathaniel Fick, the ambassador for the U.S. State Department’s new bureau of cyberspace and digital policy, acknowledges AI’s ability to produce briefings similar in quality to those created by human staff. AI models, like OpenAI’s Playground, have the capacity to perform tasks like translation and summarization. In 2019, AI was even deemed a viable tool for forecasting geopolitical events.

The erosion of tradition and stability due to AI’s progress has led to conservative skepticism and aversion. However, resisting the AI revolution entirely may lead to unwelcome consequences. A 2021 study suggests that conservative reluctance to adopt AI could have political repercussions, potentially leaving them at a disadvantage compared to liberals who embrace AI.

In 2022, the Reagan Institute explored this issue in a collection of essays, “The Future of Conservative Internationalism.” It debated whether technology should be seen as a “Tool of American Leadership” or a “Threat to Conservatives.” Some arguments favor embracing aspects of technological advancement, considering its potential to improve America.

In line with conservative internationalism principles, which emphasize national defense, alliances, free trade, and open international economics, AI can be a valuable tool in politics. To overcome their AI aversion without isolating themselves from the benefits of AI, conservatives can engage in digital diplomacy.

Dr. Corneliu Bjola, Head of the Oxford Digital Diplomacy Research Group, sees AI as a useful diplomatic tool. Recent tech innovations, such as hagglebots, gameplay, and generative AI, hold promise for the future of digital diplomacy.


AI “hagglebots” can play a significant role in negotiations by finding optimal agreements based on trade-offs and interests. While human oversight is required, they have the potential to automate and optimize various processes.


Meta’s CICERO, an AI system, demonstrated the ability to play the strategy game Diplomacy at a human level. This technology has broader applications, potentially assisting diplomats in strategizing and negotiation.

Generative AI

Generative AI, found in platforms like ChatGPT and Google’s Bard, aids diplomats in negotiations and strategy development. ChatGPT, for instance, can write human-like speeches and provide detailed policy suggestions.

The continued development of AI is inevitable and offers both opportunities and challenges for conservatives. Embracing digital diplomacy can provide valuable insights and prevent conservatives from falling behind their more tech-savvy liberal counterparts. By blending traditional human interactions with technology, conservatives can harness AI’s advantages while retaining their core values.

The Art of Digital Diplomacy?