Katie: a day in the life of a Foreign Office apprentice


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Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO) Apprentice

Guest blogger for FCO Careers

Part of FCO Apprenticeship Schemes

3rd February 2020 United Kingdom

Katie: a day in the life of a Foreign Office apprentice

Katie is a Level 3 Business Administration Apprentice, working in the Project Task Force at the Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO).

My typical day at the Foreign Office

I don’t think there is a typical day at the Foreign Office! I am based within the PTF (Projects Task Force).

We work on time-limited projects on priority issues, covering all areas of the office. During my time in the department I have worked on projects within Crisis Management, Communications as well as a Minister’s Office, to name a few. On a daily basis, as well as project work, I also provide administrative support to the PTF such as helping with the project bidding rounds and providing updates on project resourcing and the department’s budget. I spend around 6 hours a week working on my apprenticeship. This includes completing assignments and upskilling myself in areas related to the apprenticeship standard.

“In the Foreign Office there are many opportunities to get involved with things that are outside of your everyday areas of work.”

Over the last year I have volunteered for roles in the Media Freedom Conference, our London Open House event, as well as the December NATO Leaders Meeting. Each of these events has given me the opportunity to challenge myself, broaden my skill sets and produce lots of great evidence for my apprenticeship.

Man walking through a busy open plan office

Why I chose to apply for a FCO apprenticeship…

I thought the offer of working towards a qualification whilst developing my career was really exciting. I have always been interested in the work of the FCO, and thought this opportunity would be a great starting point, being new to the Civil Service.

Working for the FCO in 3 words

Exciting, challenging, varied.

Why I recommend doing an apprenticeship with the FCO?

I would definitely recommend doing an apprenticeship with the FCO. The apprenticeship scheme has provided me with many opportunities to learn new skills as well as develop existing ones. There are always opportunities to learn more about the work that is being done in the office as well as around the FCO network around the world. I believe the apprenticeship scheme has provided me with a great platform to progress in my future career within the FCO.

I’ve been lucky to work in such a flexible department, my colleagues in the PTF have been really supportive towards my apprenticeship and respect the time that I am required to complete my assignments. I’ve been able to fit the apprenticeship requirements around my other work commitments with ease.

One of the best things about joining the apprenticeship scheme was joining with a great group of people. I’ve really enjoyed being able to share experiences with fellow apprentices and it made the whole process of joining the FCO a little less daunting!

Find out more about apprenticeships in the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and what we did to celebrate National Apprenticeship Week in 2020.

We advertise apprenticeship opportunities on Civil Service Jobs as and when they arise.

Original Article