Welcome to the New State.gov!


People from around the world rely on State.gov as a primary resource for information on U.S. foreign policy. With you in mind, we’ve completely modernized the site to deliver a better experience. It’s our goal to make it easier for you to find what you need and to show how diplomacy benefits the lives of Americans every day.

This short video walks you through the changes:


What’s New?

The new State.gov is contemporary, built for mobile, makes it easier to navigate, and better showcases the work of the Department through enhanced content and visuals.

  • Contemporary design:  We updated the design to achieve a look that is modern and easy to read, while reflecting the history and traditions of the State Department. The design is built for a variety of mobile devices.
  • Improved user experience:  We simplified the navigation, made it easier to discover related content, and have highlighted the most important content based on user data.
  • Enhanced content:  Throughout the site, you’ll see streamlined content that reduces duplication. We’ve also enhanced our Country pages and Policy pages to provide more in-depth and timely information and related content.
  • User-driven design:  Our team used a human-centered design approach to create the new State.gov. We analyzed user research on how people use State.gov, conducted interviews with different stakeholder groups (such as members of the press, foreign policy professionals, and students), and conducted multiple rounds of design iterations that we tested with users.

What’s the same?

While we’ve streamlined the content, navigation, and design, all the core information and resources have not changed.  All the Department’s reports, publications, press releases, fact sheets, and data are available to the public.

Historical content that was published prior to the current presidential Administration continues to be available to users at our Historical Archives. While some of this historical information was also available on State.gov before, we are now pointing users to the Archive for most historical information.  This is so we can avoid duplicating thousands of pages on both sites and to achieve better search results for users looking for the most current and fresh content on State.gov.

What if I can’t find what I need?

We are here to help!  If you can’t find what you need, please use this Website Feedback form. Tell us what you’re looking for and our team will assist as soon as possible.

Also check out these popular resources:

How can I provide feedback?

We welcome all feedback.  Please use this Website Feedback form to tell us what’s working or how we can do better.

Our team will be leading continuous improvement cycles so we can regularly incorporate user feedback.  Thank you for helping us make State.gov work for you.
