" Just Oppinion "

Gallup poll: Most Iraqis are on line every week, Facebook now a prime news...

  Thursday, July 14th 2016 Iraqis have sharply increased their use of the Internet, so much so that a majority are now on line – and...

Digitalna džudo diplomatija

„Dogodine u Tokiju“ reči su ohrabrenja koje su velikom Novaku Djokoviću stizale iz svih krajeva Srbije i sveta. Njegove suze posle još jednog ispadanja...

Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump’s Cybersecurity Platforms, Compared

Every day it seems like there’s another hack, password theft, or leak. Both government agencies and private...

How Yugoslavia was Syrianized 25 years ago

In an alternative universe, what if Yugoslavia still existed? NATO’s expansion, the Cold War still being waged, the so-called democratic western nations destroying freedoms...

Digital Diplomacy and the Brexit Negotiations

  In my memo to the Prime Minister (http://www.shaunriordan.com/?p=290) I identified elements of a possible diplomatic strategy to secure an acceptable Brexit outcome for the...

Online privacy: ceci n’est pas un guide

Everyone wants to know what you need to do to be i) happy, ii) fit, iii) secure. And the easier and more listy it...

Narain Batra: You can’t Twitter away wicked global problems

Traditional diplomacy, discreet, unobtrusive and behind-the-closed-door, of John Kerry, Ban Ki-moon and Henry Kissinger, for example, is indispensable. But now diplomats are also using...

After #Brexit Tweet for better #europe tomorow

We are off now to an Irish pub to get decently drunk. And from tomorrow on we will again work for a better #Europe!...

The most important war in the Middle East may be online

We are reminded every day that this is a region racked by conflict and instability. The Syrian people are battling for an alternative...


U vreme Bemdžamina Frenklina bilo je potrebno šest meseci da diplomatske poruke stignu iz Pariza do Filadelfije. Uloliko je ambasador želeo da bude efikasan, morao...