
Evaluating Religious or Linguistic Conflict Through the State

Assessing whether states divided by religion are more prone to conflict than those divided by language is impossible to quantify. Although quantitative indexes of...

What Light can Constructivism Shed on the EU?

What Light can Constructivist Analysis Shed on the Governance of the EU? I. Introduction The late 1990s witnessed a transformation in the way the European Union...

Diplomat-NGO hackathon tackles freedom of speech and sustainability

27 September 13 by Liat Clark How many diplomats does it take to solve a crisis? It turns out the answer to that...

Diasporas and Public Diplomacy

PDiN Extras: Diasporas and Public Diplomacy By Kia Hays, Associate Editor The role of the diaspora in PD is something acknowledged by actors across the field....

WATCH: BBC Correspondent on Hillary Clinton and People-to-People Diplomacy

The USC Center on Public Diplomacy and USC Annenberg School of Journalism were pleased to host a conversation with Kim Ghattas, the BBC's State...

Iterating our support for service managers

Just before Christmas we released dates for the next four cohorts on GDS’s Service Manager Induction and Development...

What are we doing about accessibility?

Joshua Marshall is Head of Accessibility at GDS. Just before Christmas, we sat him down for a short...

A checklist for digital inclusion – if we do these things, we’re doing digital...

As with most of our work at the Government Digital Service, we release things early for review and...

Going ‘live’ with the Service Standard

The Digital by Default Service Standard has been running as a beta for almost a year now, but...

A new home for the GDS blog

This morning we moved the GDS blog over to the GOV.UK blogging platform. You might notice a few changes to the way the site...