Autor knjige „Spin diktatori”: U mnogim zemljama spin diktatori se vraćaju nasilnoj represiji

Lideri u drugim zemljama su usvojili tehnike spin diktature, manipulišući medijima iza kulisa, zauzimajući sudove i marginalizujući opoziciju, sve dok čuvaju demokratsku fasadu. „Spin...

Vlast naredila Google-u da otkrije identitete YouTube gledalaca

Ako vam je stalo do privatnosti vaših ličnih podataka, možda bi bilo najbolje da bacite svoj pametni telefon i druge uređaje i preselite se...

Monday’s Must Read List

Public Diplomacy

100 years of radio in Africa: from propaganda to people’s power

Radio is thriving across Africa. Exact figures are difficult to come by because audience research differs across countries. But studies estimate radio listenership to...

Digital 2023: Top 10 Trends

Kepios's Simon Kemp (@eskimon) brings you all the essential headlines from DataReportal's Digital 2023 Global Overview Report, published in partnership with We Are Social...

Digital Diplomacy

Is the Digital Diplomacy Strategy Able to Protect Data Privacy Security in Business?

As for the basic definition, diplomacy is an act to negotiate with other parties, countries, or people. Diplomacy per se mainly can be done...

The Global Hi-Five: Unleashing Digital Diplomacy’s High-Tech Charm

Unleash diplomacy's digital charm, spreading hi-fives worldwide!

The Art of Digital Diplomacy?

Kosovo: What Everyone Really Needs To Know

Clothing and Entertainment in Kosovo and Metohija between the Two World...

With the help of relevant literature and press, this paper analyzes  and  describes  the  mentality  and  behavior  of people in Kosovo and Metohija in...


The church of Theotokos of Ljevish, Prizren's Cathedral, was erected by King Milutin in the early 14th century (1307-1309). It was built on the...

“Christian Heritage of Kosovo and Metohija”

Thanks to the love of the Serbian Bishop Maxim from California we have a special opportunity to read the valuable book, "Christian Heritage of...

Tekstovi na srpskom

Anketa: Čitaoci kažu da prepoznaju komentare botova

Čak 82 odsto građana samtra da može da razlikuje komentare koje pišu botovi od ostalih komentara, pokazuju rezultati ankete sprovedene na sajtu Danasa.

Aleksandar Makedonski bot: Tviteraški rat za dušu Makedonije

Istraživanje BIRN otkriva kako su nacionalisti u Severnoj Makedoniji, Grčkoj i drugim zemljama oslobodili automatizovane armije ‘naloga-duhova’ i ‘kiborg botova’ na društvene mreže kako...

Made by OpenAI

open ai

Serbian digital diplomacy by

Serbian digital diplomacy refers to the use of digital tools and technologies by the Serbian government to advance its diplomatic goals and strengthen its...

Zaharova: Kao nekada nacisti, Evropska unija hoće da uvede “folkslist”

Marija Zaharova, portparolka ruskog Ministarstva spoljnih poslova, izrazilа je ozbiljnu zabrinutost povodom predloga Evropskog parlamenta o uvođenju "demokratskih pasoša" za odabrane državljane Rusije, uporedivši...

Modern Propaganda

The History of Brainwashing

Sana Qadar: Clarence Adams was an American soldier in the Korean War when he became a prisoner of war. He was held captive for...

Biden State Department Funds Training of 2,500 LGBT ‘Allies’

The Biden administration is using the State Department to fund LGBT activism abroad — again. According to federal spending database, the U.S. State...

Diplo Blog

Who is who in Digital and Public Diplomacy

WeChat, China’s Weapon of Mass Propaganda?

Khun Joy benefits by allowing transactions over 300 baht through WeChat Pay at her high-end souvenir and clothing shop in Koh Samui, Thailand. Many...

The Banality of Soft Power

what is Soft Power in the 21st century? It is the ability to manage the normative associations that a state evokes so that a state is seen as a desirable partner for creating temporary coalitions or permanent alliances.