Autor knjige „Spin diktatori”: U mnogim zemljama spin diktatori se vraćaju nasilnoj represiji

Lideri u drugim zemljama su usvojili tehnike spin diktature, manipulišući medijima iza kulisa, zauzimajući sudove i marginalizujući opoziciju, sve dok čuvaju demokratsku fasadu. „Spin...

Vlast naredila Google-u da otkrije identitete YouTube gledalaca

Ako vam je stalo do privatnosti vaših ličnih podataka, možda bi bilo najbolje da bacite svoj pametni telefon i druge uređaje i preselite se...

Monday’s Must Read List

Public Diplomacy

100 years of radio in Africa: from propaganda to people’s power

Radio is thriving across Africa. Exact figures are difficult to come by because audience research differs across countries. But studies estimate radio listenership to...

Digital 2023: Top 10 Trends

Kepios's Simon Kemp (@eskimon) brings you all the essential headlines from DataReportal's Digital 2023 Global Overview Report, published in partnership with We Are Social...

Digital Diplomacy

Is the Digital Diplomacy Strategy Able to Protect Data Privacy Security in Business?

As for the basic definition, diplomacy is an act to negotiate with other parties, countries, or people. Diplomacy per se mainly can be done...

The Global Hi-Five: Unleashing Digital Diplomacy’s High-Tech Charm

Unleash diplomacy's digital charm, spreading hi-fives worldwide!

The Art of Digital Diplomacy?

Kosovo: What Everyone Really Needs To Know

Clothing and Entertainment in Kosovo and Metohija between the Two World...

With the help of relevant literature and press, this paper analyzes  and  describes  the  mentality  and  behavior  of people in Kosovo and Metohija in...


The church of Theotokos of Ljevish, Prizren's Cathedral, was erected by King Milutin in the early 14th century (1307-1309). It was built on the...

“Christian Heritage of Kosovo and Metohija”

Thanks to the love of the Serbian Bishop Maxim from California we have a special opportunity to read the valuable book, "Christian Heritage of...

Tekstovi na srpskom

Vučić i Rama sa najviše pratilaca na Tviteru od lidera država...

Premijer Albanije Edi Rama i predsednik Srbije Aleksandar Vučić od svih lidera država Zapadnog Balkana imaju najviše pratilaca na Tviteru, ali je više od...

Danas je 50. rođendan Interneta

Sada već tako davnog 29. oktobra 1969. godine na UCLA univerzitetu u Kaliforniji, profesor Len Kleinrock i njegov tim poslali su prvu poruku preko...

Made by OpenAI

Russia could criminalize ‘deepfakes’

Lawmakers propose harsher punishments if crimes are committed using AI-generated media Male human face with 3d mesh and recognition marks © Getty Images / imaginima The...

John Hering – Senior Government Affairs Manager for Digital Diplomacy

John Hering - Senior Government Affairs Manager for Digital Diplomacy John Hering is a Senior Government Affairs Manager for Digital Diplomacy at the United Nations....

Modern Propaganda

Information Warfare: How the Modern Military Utilizes Propaganda in the Digital...

A new battleground has emerged in the digital age, where bytes and pixels move faster than bullets. And it has dramatically reshaped the landscape...

How Ukraine Followed the ISIS Playbook

Ukraine is using commercial drones to record frontline victories, uploading videos that verge on the gamification of real-life combat. More extreme footage...

Diplo Blog

Who is who in Digital and Public Diplomacy

Claudio Bisogniero

Claudio Bisogniero (Roma, 2 luglio 1954) è un diplomatico italiano. Biografia Ambasciatore, dopo aver conseguito il diploma presso il Collegio Navale "Francesco Morosini" di Venezia, laureato...

The vice president explained the key to foreign policy in the...

In a recent interview with The Atlantic, Vice President Joe Biden laid out what is perhaps the clearest distillation to date of his approach...

Spain and Digital Diplomacy

Digital Diplomacy In its bid to modernise equipment and communication and adapt its services to the demands of modern society, the Ministry for Foreign Affairs...