Mike Holtzman, Global President


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"Mike Holztman, Gobal President," image from entry

Michael’s clientele includes a broad range of non-governmental, academic, media, corporate, and governmental organizations in the Middle East, North Africa, Latin America, and Asia. A founder of the firm’s Arabian Gulf headquarters in Doha, Qatar, his high-level international political and business clientele includes various United Nations bodies, the Republic of Gabon, the Kingdom of Morocco, and Ecuador. Michael has spearheaded a number of innovative people-to-people initiatives between the US and China, Russia, and elsewhere.
At the government’s request, Michael was seconded to the Federal Emergency Management Agency following the September 11th terrorist attacks. Reprising a role he held with FEMA during the 1993 attack on the World Trade Center, Michael served as a media liaison from Ground Zero. He later served as an advisor to the Director of Policy Planning Staff at the US Department of State during the tenure of Secretary Colin Powell. During the Clinton Administration, Michael worked in the Executive Office of the President as Special Advisor for Public Affairs to the United States Trade Ambassador. He was Director of Public Affairs at the Council on Foreign Relations from 1996-1998.
Michael is the author of a number of articles on foreign affairs, including two important commentaries on US public diplomacy [JB emphasis] published in the New York Times. …

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