Gastrodiplo Roundup


Paul Rockower,

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Paul Rockower
One of a dying breed of Bohemian, Orientalist Zionists. Also a cunning linguist, phrase-turner, gastronomist and a Public Diplomacy [JB emphasis] Knight Errant. Of late, a PD Guru, Comm Swami, Idea Peddler and Sultan of Spin.

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-Why the best biscuits come from the South and why they aren't easily replicated.
-The problem with cashless restaurants and how they discriminate.
-A top chef is using his perch to help highlight foods from Mama Africa's kitchen.
-A look at Native American Cuisine.
-Culinary diplomacy and what presidents eat.
-The gastrodiplomacy fall-off of the current admin
-The proper fare for certain occupants of said office.Posted by Paul Rockower at 12:53 PM
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