"Classic " Diplomacy

Festival della Diplomazia a Roma, ecco tutti gli appuntamenti

Il Festival della Diplomazia, diretto verso la X edizione, nasce nel 2009 dalla consapevolezza della centralità di Roma in ambito internazionale. Nella città, infatti,...

Diplomatic immunity: Its nature, effects and implications

Section 15(1) of the Diplomatic Immunities and Privileges Act 37 of 2001 (the Act) creates an offence if anyone obtains or executes any legal process against diplomats.

How we organise monthly mental wellbeing Q&As for GDS staff

The mental health network at GDS exists to ensure our colleagues have the mental health support and information they need. We do this in a variety of different ways. For example, we send out a regular newsletter, we have a dedicated Slack channel for discussing mental health-related topics, we provide mental health first aid, and host speakers and events. We also hold regular anonymous peer-led mental wellbeing Q&As. In this post, I will explain how we organise them and share some tips on how to ensure they’re a success. What we do to set up our Q&As The Q&As take place on the morning of the last Friday of each month. We hold them on the online platform Slack, which everyone at GDS can access. First, we field questions using a Google form, which staff can complete anonymously. Staff can also use the form to submit answers anonymously. Our most recent Q&A had 10 anonymous questions and around 50 replies from around 20 members of staff. It takes one person about 3 hours in total ..

Diplomatic-Consular Suits in the 19th and 20th Century

In Serbia in the XIX century the attendants employed in the diplomatic service at home, that is, in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the diplomatic agents during their mission abroad, were obliged to wear official suits.

How Diplomats Can Combat Digital Propaganda

James Pamment has written that for most of the 20th century the term public diplomacy was associated with the term propaganda. According to the Oxford Dictionary propaganda relates to information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote a political cause or point of view. During the 21st century, the field of public diplomacy faced a conceptual shift known as the “new” public diplomacy. This shift saw the goals of public diplomacy change from influence and opinion formation to creating long lasting relationships with foreign populations. These relationships, built on dialogue and two way interactions, could be used to create a receptive environment for a country’s foreign policy. Digitalization promised to facilitate the transition towards the “new” public diplomacy and away from propaganda as digital platforms could be used to converse and create relationships with foreign publics. Social media were especially seen as beneficial to the “new” public diplomacy as t..

‘Cultural diplomacy’ in action in Turkey

Turkish culture, heritage, arts and music were in glorious display at a recent gathering for members of the Global Public Diplomacy Network

Mexico, Cuba, and Trump’s Increasing Preference for Punishment Over Diplomacy

In his approach to the carrot-versus-stick equation that is central to statecraft, Donald Trump always opts for the stick. Apparently unaware of, or unconcerned with, the advantages...

Why US Will Need Your Social Media Details Before Issuing Visas

The US state department has revealed that US visa applicants will need to submit their social media usernames, previous email addresses and phone numbers as part...

The Day of Serbian Diplomacy was celebrated

29 May has been chosen as the Day of Serbian Diplomacy since it was on that day, 180 years ago exactly, that the Prince's Office conducting external affairs was established, the event considered as the beginning of professional diplomacy in Serbia.

Welcome to the New State.gov!

People from around the world rely on State.gov as a primary resource for information on U.S. foreign policy. With you in mind, we’ve completely...